What is Re:Vision?
Re:Vision will make better spaces to clearly share better life in Jesus.
Between now and October of 2020, we will engage in a 3-year campaign to raise $3 million to make significant upgrades to our large group environments and parking lot without incurring any new debt.
Re:Vision will allow us to replace undersized and failing technical systems in our large group environments. In the auditorium, we will replace the audio system and acoustical treatments, install a video wall in place of the current projectors, add several camera positions, and replace both the house lighting and stage lighting. In the students and kids environments, we will install a combination of repurposed and new equipment to significantly enhance those areas.
Re:Vision will provide the resources we need to add 354 new parking spaces that were originally a part of the plan for the property. Our current lot comprised of 402 spaces only provides adequate parking for just over 800 people to attend services and other events. By almost doubling our parking, we will be able to comfortably accommodate approximately 1500 people, which matches the size of our auditorium.
When our current facility was designed and built approximately 10 years ago, because of other challenges in the construction process, only $340,000 was invested in the technical systems: audio, video, and lighting. While that number sounds very high to most of us, the recommendation at the time was to invest a minimum of $1 million to adequately serve a room of that size.
The result of that is our current system was undersized the day it was installed … and has been pushed to the limit each weekend. The wear and tear on these systems is much greater than would normally be expected because they have been asked to do more than they were designed to do.
The audio, video, and lighting systems have basically been “running at redline” for just under 10 years. Over the past several years, we have spent thousands of dollars in maintenance and repairs, not to mention the investment of staff time and energy, to keep our current systems serviceable each weekend.
Audio ($525,000)
We will completely replace the entire auditorium audio system with right-sized speakers and amplifiers, a new digital sound board, new stage connections and processing gear, and a complete overhaul of the acoustical treatments in the space as well.
Video ($900,000)
The video plan for the auditorium includes about half of the estimated amount for a video wall that will replace the stage projectors and the other half for cameras and control room systems.
Lighting ($400,000)
In order to address the lighting in the auditorium, all new house and stage lighting will be installed. All of these lights will be completely controlled by our current lighting console (a new console had to be purchased in 2017 to replace our previous console when it failed).
Kids and Students Areas ($175,000)
Re:Vision will provide the opportunity for us to upgrade the audio, video, and lighting in our kids and student large group spaces as well. Some of the current audio and lighting components in the auditorium, though undersized for that space, will perfectly fit in the students and kids spaces, so they will be repurposed. New projectors will be installed in these spaces, upgrading their video capabilities as well. Our kids and students deserve to have technology that fits those spaces and provides a high-quality experience as they learn about the love and grace of Jesus.
Our current parking lot contains 402 parking spaces. Church architects generally plan on an average of 1.75 to 2 people per car in order to allow for adequate parking. That means that we have adequate parking for 804 people (including kids) in our building at any one time. Whenever we have more people than that, parking becomes a problem … and a significant barrier for new people.
Our auditorium seats between 1400-1500 people, which means that the parking lot is undersized for our building’s capacity. Sure, we have plenty of space inside the room on most weekends … because our parking lot is a cap on our growth.
People who are committed to Eastern Hills and have attended for years will put up with a few parking hassles or park over near the dentists’ offices or even down at Cherokee Trail High School (we generally have between 35-45 cars parked down at CT High School each Sunday). But new people—especially people who are far from God—usually feel uncomfortable to begin with and will use almost any excuse to stay away. We don’t want to let the lack of a parking space keep people away any more.
354 Additional Spaces & Roadside Signage ($1 million)
Re:Vision will supply the necessary funds to add a total of 354 spaces to our current campus. These spaces were all a part of the original master plan for our property and can be added in phases of 205, 112, and 37.
As we add parking spaces in the area that is closer to Smoky Hill Road, we will also upgrade our roadside signage to better mark the entrance to our campus. The new signage will make the name of the church significantly larger so that new people will be able to find us more easily.