Eastern Hills Residency Program:
Eastern Hills residency is a two year, full time program with the goal of equipping leaders with skills and abilities to propel them into future ministry for years to come. Our aim for residents is to develop desirable skills and results which make them both great choices for churches looking to hire and give them the capacity to remain fruitful in ministry for decades.
Ideal candidates will have completed an undergraduate program or have comparable work and life experience. Candidates who will complete degrees during the time of the program can be considered as long as their education does not conflict with the residency program. Eastern Hills reserves the right to accept candidates outside these requirements at its discretion.
Open Residency Positions:

Host a Resident:
Part of how we can support Residents here at Eastern Hills is to provide a place for them to live. If you have a space in your home and would be willing to host a Resident, would you let us know? You can sign up for hosting for 6 months, 1 year or the entire residency. If you're potentially interested and have more questions please reach out by sending an email to Matt Youngstrand, Family Pastor at
For any additional information, email .