Written by: Sonya Hommes
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. - James 3:17
We have just been through a season where everyone has different opinions and viewpoints. We all are trying to figure out what is best...who or what we should believe. We watch the TV, scroll our phones, and opposing thoughts capture our attention. Our response to what is happening in the world around us, in our communities, and in our families requires wisdom.
We have just been through a season where everyone has different opinions and viewpoints. We all are trying to figure out what is best...who or what we should believe. We watch the TV, scroll our phones, and opposing thoughts capture our attention. Our response to what is happening in the world around us, in our communities, and in our families requires wisdom.
Often we like to research, look things up, and try to acquire more information in search of the right answer. And yet Godly Wisdom is not just about having more knowledge. Wisdom is the way we walk through life, seeking to know and live out the truths of God.
James tells us what wisdom can be - Peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy, impartial, and sincere. When we intersect with the truth of God, it changes us, and wisdom looks more like an outpouring of kindness and humility than knowing more information or having the right answer. What if this week we brought a spirit of peace, gentleness, and mercy to our conversations? What if we took the time to humbly listen to the people around us? What if we made decisions on the truth of God instead of our own knowledge?
A Prayer for Wisdom: Jesus. Oh, we want to be wise as we encounter people and as we make decisions. We desire to be wise employees, friends, and parents. Would you give us your wisdom? Would you speak to us through your word and remind us of your truth and heart. Would we not lean on our own understanding but trust in you. Help us to bring peace and humility to the words we use and the way we act. In your name, Amen.