Community Conversation | Mental Health

Free 24/7 text line for those in crisis - Text "NAMI" to 741741
800-950-NAMI (6264)

Local to Colorado

#notalone #notyourfault #sayitoutloud #ok2talk # ok2benotok #stigmafree #NAMICares
  • Currently, Colorado has a rate of 21.7 suicide rate per 100,000 residents. 
  • 17% of Colorado high schoolers seriously consider suicide.
  • 15.3 % of residents report 8 or more days of poor mental health in the previous 30 days, a total of nearly 870,000 Colorado residents. 
  1. NAMI Colorado Virtual Family Support Groups:
  2. Virtual Connection Recovery Support Groups:
  3. NAMI Support & Education resources
  4. NAMI Basics OnDemand:
    1. A free, six-session online education program for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth aged 22 or younger who are experiencing mental health symptoms.
    2. An adaptation of the in-person course offered in 43 states by NAMI affiliates.
  5. NAMI Say it Out Loud:
    1. Raising awareness by sharing information and starting conversations about mental health is key in reducing these perceptions and increasing the likelihood that teens will seek mental health care when they need it.
    2. NAMI has created Say it Out Loud to get teens talking about mental health.
    3. Say it Out Loud gives adults the tools they need to hold conversations about mental health with teens in faith-based or community youth groups. The toolkit includes:
      1. A short film showing the 10 common warning signs and three youth sharing their experiences
      2. A discussion guide on how to hold a successful group discussion
      3. A narrated presentation for the group facilitator to learn more about mental health conditions in youth
      4. Fact sheets and information about how to connect with NAMI in their community
    • Compassion in Action: A Guide for Faith Communities Serving People Experiencing Mental Illness and Their Caregivers - PDF* July 2020:
      • Published by HHS Partnership Center at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
      • This Guide is organized as seven key principles that offer a way for leaders to address mental illness in their community and to identify the small steps they can take to put their compassion into action.
      • These principles, and the recommended actions that follow, were informed by the wisdom and experience of faith and community leaders addressing mental illness in their own communities

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