Halloween- love it or hate it?

by Kendal Hommes on

Quick Question for you.

Do you love Halloween or hate Halloween?

Halloween is one of the most polarizing holidays, people either totally love Halloween or absolutely hate it. In my family growing up we didn’t really get that into it, but my siblings and I always went trick or treating. When my family lived in rural Washington we had to go by car and after driving miles and miles we usually ended up with about 7 pieces of candy in our bags. When we moved to Chicago my mom put us down for naps on Saturday afternoon because we would be out late trick or treating that night. My brother and I did not sleep, but looked out the window to see if all the neighborhood kids trick or treating at 2:00pm in the afternoon. However, my favorite trick or treating memories have been in the last 5 years. My kids love going to a neighborhood where there is a family that has movies playing on their garage, tons of decorations, hot cider, and big candy bars. There’s also a cul-de-sac where all the neighbors sit out in the middle of the street with a firepit, queso, chips, and tons of candy. They’d ask you to take a seat and join them. It was awesome, and to be honest I was jealous.

Two years ago our family decided to do something similar at our house. We dress up in costumes, bring out our firepit, smores, hot cider, big candy bars, and invite our neighbors to have a seat while their kids hit up the whole cul-de-sac for candy. It’s so much fun for us to meet all our neighbors (on Halloween they all come to your house, it’s a Reach Out Pastor’s dream) and our kids love being the place where everyone stops and hangs out.

Could you do something like this for Halloween? Here’s a couple of ideas I give people for different levels of involvement, there’s something here for everyone if you love Halloween or aren’t really a fan.

Level 1: Turn on your front light, buy some candy, and hand out candy when people ring your doorbell. (Be really nice and introduce yourself if it seems appropriate)

Level 2: All of the above, but buy full size candy bars (you’ll be the hero of the neighborhood), wear a costume, introduce yourself to everyone, and find out if they live right near you.

Level 3: Set up a Halloween experience in your driveway. Build a fire, setup chairs, make smores, serve hot chocolate, give away big candy bars, build a haunted house in your garage, bob for apples, wear a costume, anything else you can think of the sky’s the limit.

One other thought about Halloween. When your kids are done trick or treating, send them out again Trick or Canning. Grab the list of Mountain of Mercy items and send it with your kids, they can explain to the neighbors they are collecting food for thanksgiving meals and ask people if they have any of the items on the list. They can put them in their bags and bring home a bag full of cans for Mountains of Mercy.

Whether you love it or hate it, take advantage of the one night a year all your neighbors will want to come and visit your house.

Have Fun!!!!

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