Daily Time with God

by Lisa Alvino on

The depth of my time with God and the Bible were consistently crammed into two to three services per year when I was growing up - Christmas, Easter, and sometimes Mother’s Day. I honestly didn’t know I could have more time than that, and I definitely didn’t know that I needed more time with God.

Even after I started following Jesus, I still found myself only cracking my Bible open on Sundays. And my prayers were anything but daily. But when my world was rocked about ten years ago, I became desperate to know and understand what had been written in the Bible, and even more than that, why it mattered and how I could apply those words from thousands of years ago to the way I was living my life today. I found myself praying and asking God to help me understand the words I was reading.

Over the years I have adjusted my daily time with God into something that works for me - and is meaningful for me. I find that when I wake up early and start my day with a cup of coffee, praying, reading my Bible, and journaling, I am better equipped for that day. I have learned more about who God is, who I am, and how loved I am - no matter what - by spending time with God almost every day. It took many years to make this a part of my morning routine. There were many starts and stops, followed by restarts and more stops. But, I try to remember that spending time with God is not about checking another box, or something to feel guilty about if I sleep a little longer one morning, but about growing in my relationship with God.

Here are some great places for you to get started:

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